4 Safety Categories for Seniors You Should Be Aware Of

by | Mar 19, 2019 | Aging Parents, Elder Care Advising

Preserving independence and control as one ages is a major goal of many people we talk to on a regular basis. And with seniors who have a strong desire to preserve independence, come families with big concerns about safety. Is it possible for their aging loved one to remain independent AND safe?

Click on the video below to hear Elder Care Advisor, Sandy Eisenmann talk about safety for seniors and the main four categories you should be aware of. (This will take you to NewsChannel 20’s site.) Sandy is trained as a physical therapist, so she often helps families who are concerned about their loved ones safety at home.

Four categories of safety for seniors, along with a BONUS area to watch out for:

  1. Driving
  2. Cooking
  3. Falling
  4. Medication management
  5. [BONUS] Financial

In the video, Sandy shares what to look for and how to know if there might be a problem, as well as what you should do if you think a loved one’s safety or well-being is at risk. As always, if you have questions or concerns about an aging loved one, please give one of our Elder Advisors a call at 217-726-9200. You can read more about our Elder Advisors and what they do here.

safety; seniors; aging in place