Contact Us

Springfield Office

3223 S Meadowbrook Rd, Suite A
Springfield, Illinois 62711
(217) 726-9200
Fax (877) 866-1737

Quincy Satellite Office

332 S 36th St Ste 2, Quincy, IL 62301
(217) 906-3843
Fax (877) 866-1737

Decatur Office

2905 N. Main, Suite C
Decatur, Illinois 62526
(217) 726-9200
Fax (877) 866-1737

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Need a Speaker?

Dave loves helping people in the community understand the importance of proper estate planning. He regularly speaks to various community groups like the Rotary Club, church groups, parent groups, etc. If you think your community group could benefit from what David Edwards and the Edwards Group has to offer, please contact us at 217-726-9200 or by email at  If he is available, we would love to schedule him for your group!

Together we can avoid an uncertain future

Edwards Group has helped hundreds of families find peace-of-mind with sound guidance and careful planning

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