Wills & Trusts


Many people might say that estate planning involves wills, trusts, asset protection, planning for disability or death. And it does include all those things, but those things are just what we  do.  More importantly, at Edwards Group, we ask the question: WHY do estate planning?

Money or Things.  Commonly referred to as assets, things such as your house, farm, business, savings accounts, IRAs, life insurance, gold coins, or an antique car are just a few of the things you may have worked very hard for. When you’re gone, what do you want done with these things you have accumulated? What good would you hope those things could do for others? How could your money or things be used to help someone, ease suffering, bring joy, or give someone a leg up? These are all important questions to answer with effective estate planning.

People or Causes.  Who are the people or causes that are most important to you? Your spouse? Kids or grandkids? Your church, the Salvation Army, local theater or arts organizations, or an environmental cause? How will the money or things you have be used when you’re gone to reflect what is most important to you?

We help clients everyday who want to create an effective plan to transfer their wealth, creating a legacy that will last long after they are gone. Learn more about estate planning at one of our FREE  planning workshops  or by signing up for our  weekly e-newsletter.

Read More about Wills & Trusts

Unhappy With Your Will? 6 Reasons Why That Might Be…

Unhappy With Your Will? 6 Reasons Why That Might Be…

You took that big step. You found an attorney and you finally got a Will. So why don't you feel better? You should be experiencing peace of mind, but instead you're still experiencing that nagging worry at the back of your mind. Unfortunately, this happens to a lot of...

The Myth of a “Simple” Will

The Myth of a “Simple” Will

"I just want a simple will." We hear this a lot. The people who say it generally assume they have a "regular" family with straightforward assets. They don't want to pay a lot for elaborate documents they don't understand. They just want a last will and testament. We...


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