Transitions in Life

BAILEY’S “NEW SCHOOL” At our house, we are in the middle of a transition. 2 1/2 year old Bailey is switching to a new daycare. For the last couple of years, Bailey has gone 2-3 days a week to her “school” (Memorial Childcare) when...

Am I Your Type?

There are 4 types of estate planning: Do nothing. Let others sort it out later. Do it yourself. Get a form and fill in the blanks. How hard can it be? Use a document-driven attorney. Pay lots of money for a fancier form that someone else fills out for you. Use a...

What are you proud of?

Do you ever feel pretty proud of yourself? Kind of interesting the stuff that we get proud of. Here are some of the things I have been proud of lately: 1. stopped drinking diet soda. Used to drink it all the time, for years, but my mom kept telling me it would give me...

I come from a people who…

I am sitting here at Springfield Clinic getting a bunch of allergy shots. 27 shots, 3 at a time, every 15 minutes (and on my birthday, even). What better time to post to my blog? Who do you act like? In my work with estate clients, I get to hear about the legacy that...