7 Questions to Ask Before the Age of 70

7 Questions to Ask Before the Age of 70

People are living longer than ever these days, and while that is a good thing, it definitely presents challenges. Regardless of you or your loved one’s stage in life, good planning requires that you ask good questions. And asking good questions can sometimes be...
Elder Law Attorney

Elder Law Attorney

Elder Law Attorney ESTATE PLANNING What is an elder law attorney? As people live longer and longer, it is more and more important to have an experienced elder law attorney on your side. If you have a loved one who is aging, or are concerned about the issues of aging...
What’s Worse Than Probate?

What’s Worse Than Probate?

Today we’re going to talk about what’s worse than probate. But first, let’s talk about what it is exactly. What is Probate? Probate is where the judge has to get involved in carrying out an estate after death. This means nothing can be done until the...
What is probate and why do people want to avoid it?

What is probate and why do people want to avoid it?

You may have heard people discuss probate and how horrible it is. But what in the world is probate? And why do people want to avoid it? What is Probate? Probate is, simply, when the court has to get involved to help transfer assets after someone has died. This court...