Farewell to Lynn Hanson, Client Coordinator

by | Dec 13, 2011 | Wills and Trusts

We will all miss Lynn's cheerful welcome.

In December 2008, Lynn and I founded Edwards Group. The office didn’t even have a front door back then! She has been an invaluable part of our team and has always been ready to jump in and do whatever was needed, for a client or when it came to running the office. And most of all, she cares about our clients as much as I do!

We will miss her greatly, but we wish her all the best as she moves out of state. Good luck, Lynn, and stay in touch!




A Letter from Lynn:

To my extended Edwards Group Family:

I have enjoyed getting to know you and your families, sharing laughs and yes, sometimes tears! I would like to extend a sincere thank you for letting me become a part of your lives while enriching mine!

As of December 23rd I have resigned my position, and I will begin a new chapter in my life. I have been very blessed to be a part of Edwards Group and will miss you all!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May all your dreams and wishes come true!
