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What Do Estate Planning and Elder Care Have to Do With Each Other?

What Do Estate Planning and Elder Care Have to Do With Each Other?

First, what’s the difference between Estate Planning and Elder Care? Estate planning and elder care/elder law are two areas of legal practice that are often under the same umbrella, but there are important differences between them. Many times these two concepts are...

Why You Need a Healthcare POA

Why You Need a Healthcare POA

What does signing a Healthcare POA do for me? We talked previously about how a POA differs from a DNR (which is now referred to as a POLST). A Healthcare Power of Attorney is a very useful legal document that provides authorization for someone to act on your behalf...

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Risks of an Old Will 

Risks of an Old Will 

Do you have an old will? Does it need to be updated? Most changes any estate plan faces can be summed up by examining the “3 L’s”: Life – What has changed in your family, your health or your finances since your last will was created? Law – What legal or tax...

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Do I need an attorney to assist with probate?

Do I need an attorney to assist with probate?

After losing a loved one, many people ask the question, “Do I need to hire an attorney?”That depends — do you know what needs to be done? Are you having problems transferring assets? If everything is in joint tenancy – meaning the survivor becomes the...

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Avoid Nursing Home Poverty

Avoid Nursing Home Poverty

We know firsthand that one of the greatest concerns for seniors is the fear of outliving their savings. No one’s vision of retirement includes going into a nursing home. It’s not what you want for you or your spouse. But if it happens, your income and savings can be...

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7 Things Every Executor Needs to Know Before the Funeral

7 Things Every Executor Needs to Know Before the Funeral

Being an executor is a big responsibility. One that requires great integrity and diligence. Many people will only experience this role once or twice in their life, and it can be hard to know what an executor needs to do. Here are 7 things for an executor to consider...

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Get comfortable — no high-pressure sales tactics here

Get comfortable — no high-pressure sales tactics here

I remember a phone call I had with a company who sells software to law firms. Their product seemed like something that might be helpful, and I was interested to learn more. I spent an hour on the phone with this guy and things looked good -- until the salesman ruined...

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“You’re NOT the boss of me!!”

“You’re NOT the boss of me!!”

We all have control issues. When my son was 2-years-old we experienced our share of yelling, "NO!!" and throwing full tantrums on the floor. Toddlers are just beginning to understand how they can exert control on the world around them, which makes...

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9 Ways Elder Law Attorneys Can Help With In-Home Care

9 Ways Elder Law Attorneys Can Help With In-Home Care

Navigating the challenges of in-home care can be a little easier with an experienced guide by your side. Here are 9 ways an elder law attorney can help if you or your loved one has in-home care: 1. Set up caregiver agreements and in-home caregivers. There are a lot of...

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