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6 Estate Planning Pitfalls to Avoid
Unfortunately, printing a will from the internet and filling in the blanks does not create an effective estate plan. It's best if you take some time to educate yourself about the estate planning process, and that includes estate planning pitfalls to avoid. Here are...
The Difference Between Medicaid and Medicare for Seniors
Medicaid and Medicare are the two primary healthcare programs available to assist seniors with medical expenses. Unfortunately, their names are very similar, so it causes a lot of confusion. In this article, we will try to reduce some of that confusion by summarizing...
How to Pay for Nursing Home Costs
How do you pay the exorbitant fees for nursing home care? And is it possible to keep life savings from being depleted by nursing home costs? Yes! Read our Nursing Home Crisis Plan Case Study to find out one of the ways we helped a client. Quick Summary Mary recently...
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Medicaid FAQ
Using a government benefit such as Medicaid is a fairly common way to pay for long-term care. According to AARP, 65% of nursing home residents use Medicaid to pay for their care. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there, which makes this very...
What Is a Power of Attorney? Why Might You Need One?
Think of all the decisions you make in a week or a month -- how much money you spend, or save, whether you get your car fixed, whether you go to the doctor if you aren't feeling well. What will happen if you can't make those decisions for yourself? Someone will have...
Veterans Wall Dedication Ceremony
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] Twenty-six veterans and one veteran's widow were honored on November 29 at the dedication ceremony of the Edwards Group Veterans Wall. The wall was a collaborative effort between Attorney David Edwards and Benefits...
3 Dangers of a Do-It-Yourself Power of Attorney
Completing a Power of Attorney document is one of the most impactful things you can do to lessen the burden of caregiving on your family and loved ones. A do-it-yourself Power of Attorney often misses the mark and can't accomplish what they are supposed to...
Halloween 2017
We ask clients to trust us with a lot of very personal information. As such, we tend to treat them like family and share our lives with them. Our annual Halloween costume pictures continue to be a big hit year after year. Here are the children of Edwards Group dressed...
6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Treat Your Kids Equally
We have a common saying with our kids, "Fair doesn't mean equal." Many of us want equality to be synonymous with fairness -- maybe because it seems easier to make things equal than to navigate the complexity of fairness. But think about raising kids. Did you make sure...
Don’t Get Stuck With a Stupid Tax
Have you ever heard the phrase, "stupid tax"? I hate paying a stupid tax, because it's always something that could have been avoided. A few years ago my wife and I went with my parents to see an Illini basketball game in Champaign. After eating at the Ribeye on Neil...
Important Advice on Choosing a Healthcare POA
Every estate plan needs a good helper(s). Choosing helpers can be really tough. These people will be responsible for making decisions when you can't make them for yourself. A power of attorney for healthcare will allow someone to help you make a variety of decisions...
Would You Know How to Stop Elder Abuse?
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was observed recently, and we shared some helpful information in our email newsletter. (Sign up for our educational newsletter here.) Elder abuse is a complex issue that can encompass physical and emotional abuse, neglect, and...
Stop Thief! 10 Things That Can Steal From Your Estate
If you've ever been robbed like I have, you know that awful feeling of violation and loss of control. More than the material things that are stolen, the loss of peace of mind and sense of security can have lasting effects. When I had just started practicing law, I...