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Edwards Group Now Has a Litigation Division to Help with Estate Disputes, Guardianship Issues, and Financial Exploitation of Elders
At Edwards Group: Estate Planning & Elder Law, we are committed to providing the estate planning and elder law support you need -- tailored to the unique needs of our clients and their families. We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our practice areas...
8 Ways an Elder Law Attorney Can Help When Your Loved One is in a Nursing Home
Having a loved one in a nursing home or an assisted living facility is incredibly stressful. Beyond the emotional toll, navigating the financial and legal landscape around such care can feel daunting. In this situation, you might wonder, "Is it too late for an elder...
Estate Planning Made Easy: What You Need to Know for a Current and Effective Plan
Estate planning is an ongoing journey, not a one-time task. Remember when you finally finished creating your Will with your attorney? It was a huge task, and it probably felt like a significant achievement. However, if you stashed it away and haven't given it a...
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Why You Need a Healthcare POA
What does signing a Healthcare POA do for me? We talked previously about how a POA differs from a DNR (which is now referred to as a POLST). A Healthcare Power of Attorney is a very useful legal document that provides authorization for someone to act on your behalf...
Why a Care Plan Is Essential to Your Peace of Mind
We all know that aging is a part of life. However, when it comes to caring for aging loved...
Hey Kids! Don’t Sell the Farm!
Here’s a true story about a family where the kids didn’t follow their dad’s advice about the family farm.
Post-it Notes Are Not Legally Binding
I once heard of someone asking her grandchildren to go around the house putting Post-it notes on the things they wanted after she was gone. For several years, every time her grandchildren would come over the post-it notes were still scattered around the house. Yellow...
How Innovative Medicaid Planning Helped Save the Relationship of Two Sisters
This is the real-life story of two sisters, an annuity, nursing home costs, and why Medicaid Planning matters. Mom did not have much, but she owned her home, had a steady retirement income, and had purchased two annuities. Each in the amount of $50,000. Each daughter...
Joint Ownership Seems So Fair and Easy…
Many families think that joint ownership will make things fairer or even help avoid probate. What they don't know is that it can really cause some problems. It can go a little something like this... Grandad left his property to Dad. Then when Dad passed away he left...
Old Assets Can “Stink” After a While
Years ago, when I was single, I went out of town and a few days later my condo neighbors called 'cause they smelled a terrible stench. Nothing had died, but turns out I had forgotten to take out the trash before I left. (Thanks Mom and Dad, who made arrangements to...
7 Questions to Ask Before the Age of 70
People are living longer than ever these days, and while that is a good thing, it definitely presents challenges. Regardless of you or your loved one’s stage in life, good planning requires that you ask good questions. And asking good questions can sometimes be...
3 Real-life Examples of Important Asset Protection
We’ve previously talked about asset protection, but before we jump into some real-life examples, let’s review: Asset protection is simply protecting the things you own. This could be your house, your savings accounts, your IRAs, farmland, etc. Life is unpredictable,...
What’s Worse Than Probate?
Today we're going to talk about what's worse than probate. But first, let's talk about what it is exactly. What is Probate? Probate is where the judge has to get involved in carrying out an estate after death. This means nothing can be done until the judge signs the...