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How to Save the Family Farm from Nursing Home Costs
Family farming revolves around the land. Farmland is often passed down from generation to generation. The assets, skills, and work ethic that have been poured into the farm are the family's legacy. The act of passing on the land to one's children is a rite of passage...
What happens during an Elder Care Consultation?
Trying to figure out what to do as a loved one faces the challenges of aging can be daunting and overwhelming. That's why Edwards Group created Elder Care Advisors to help families make the best financial, legal, and care decisions possible. You don't have to walk...
Long-term Care Planning and Why It Matters: 6 Goals of Planning
Why Should I Plan for Long-term Care? I know from experience that everyone who comes into our office has goals and expectations that they bring along with them when it comes to long-term care planning. But did you know that we have goals for each of our clients as...
Our Blog
How to Protect Your Family’s Inheritance
I often speak to local associations and service groups about estate planning. Oftentimes, the topic is about protecting the money people have worked so hard for. While proper planning can make things easier on your heirs after you're gone, few people consider how...
You Are in Control
Growing old can seem cruel and unkind. When the time comes that your decisions are no longer yours but are given away to your children or someone you may or may not trust, it can feel like you’ve lost control. But you can stay in control if you choose the correct path...
It’s Time to Sign up or Review Your Medicare Part D Plan
It’s fall, when thoughts turn to spicy pumpkin lattes, crisp colorful leaves, and Medicare Part D. Medicare Part D? Yes! Enrollment starts October 15 and ends December 7, so it’s time to review your current plan or prepare to sign up for a new one, or both. It’s...
Widows at Risk for Being Taken Advantage Of
It may be hard to believe, but when a husband (or wife) dies, there are plenty of people there to take advantage of the situation. A recent article in a national newspaper column highlighted this risk with a local Springfield woman. Trustworthy helpers are vitally...
The Unique Planning Needs of Women
Women today have many unique situations that require special treatment when it comes to estate planning. Well, maybe not special treatment, but women need to take extra care that they are protected through good planning. Here are some examples: Young mom stays home...
Caring for an Aging Loved One? Get Organized Around These 6 Areas to Save Time and Stress
Caring for an elderly parent can be so stressful. It can feel like you're just moving from one crisis to another without having time to catch your breath. Every twist and turn comes with new challenges. Figuring out how to deal with those challenges is like starting a...
5 Stages of Life Care Planning
First, you’re probably wondering, “What is Life Care Planning?” Life Care Planning is a new concept in the estate planning field that came about because people are living a lot longer these days. Estate planning attorneys realized that planning didn’t just need to be...
Edwards Group Is Open and Serving Clients
We are still open and serving those who need our help! Under the governor's orders, legal services are considered essential business. So, we remain open to assist families with estate planning and elder care needs, but we are taking extra steps to protect our clients...
How Do You Access VA Benefits to Pay for Care at Home?
One of the biggest challenges people face as they age is finding the care they need and then paying for that care. It's something that the majority of Americans struggle with at some point in their life. A lot of those who are aging and need care right now are...
Joint Ownership – Tempting But Risky
Joint ownership with a right of survivorship, or joint tenancy, is a common method of owning assets. Particularly with husbands and wives, it is a very common ownership method. Many people hear about joint tenancy as being a good estate planning tool - a way to...